Competition terms and conditions

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Not the most exciting read, but it contains a lot of important information. For example, the date we will summarise the competition and what documents winners will need to show to claim their prizes.

Competition YRGB 2024

1. Name of the competition

YRGB 2024

2. Name of the organiser

The organisers of the Contest are IE (individual entrepreneur) Sudakov Mikhail Stanislavovich (INN 471205620700) and Limited Liability Company "YANDEX", OGRN 1027700229193, location: 16, Lev Tolstoy St., Moscow, 119021, Russia.

3. Purpose of the contest

To draw attention to the games industry, the developer profession and its history.

4. Timing of the contest

The following deadlines are set for the contest:

  • announcement of the launch of the contest: at 12:00 a.m. on 01.08.2024 (Moscow time);
  • deadline for submission of works: no later than 23:59 on 28.07.2025 (Moscow time);
  • the beginning of voting of the competition commission (judges): at 18:00 on 07.08.2025 (Moscow time);
  • beginning of voting for the "Audience Choice Award": at 12:00 p.m. on 07.08.2025 (Moscow time);
  • end of voting on the website: at 23:59 on 20.08.2025 (Moscow time);
  • end of judges’ voting: at 23:59 on 20.08.2025 (Moscow time);
  • announcement of the contest results: 30.08.2025 (Moscow time).

5. Place of the contest (contest website)

Internet site

6. Link to the General Terms and Conditions of the Contest

7. Link to Contest Terms and Conditions

8. Who can participate in the contest

Anyone who wishes to participate, with the exception of the contest’s selection committee.

A participant may be either an individual or a team. If a team participates, one representative of the team acting on behalf of the team in the contest must be indicated. If a team wins the competition, the prize is awarded to the team representative. Minors may take part in the competition with the consent of their parents.

9. Task. What a contestant must do and how to do it in order to receive the prize.

All submissions must be "independent", I.e free of copyright for ZX Spectrum 48K/128K platforms. The game must not be a sequel, prequel, remake, demake, or any other variation of a copyrighted game. The game may not be a direct remake or demake of another game that is not copyrighted. The final decision on the admission of a game to the competition is made by the chairperson of the judges. The game must not be published anywhere before the results of the contest are announced. Furthermore, the game must notbe entered into other competitions or exhibitions both before and during the competition.

Technical requirements for the game: detailed technical requirements for the game can be found on the website:

The use of any additional peripherals (except kempston, sinclair, cursor-joystick and Beta Disk Interface within TR-DOS) is prohibited.

There are no genre restrictions.

To submit a game for the contest, you must: fill out an application form on the site (via the "Registration" button) and upload the game.

The finished game should be uploaded not later than 23 hours 59 minutes 28.07.2025 (Moscow time).

10. Winner Selection Criteria

Once the game is uploaded by the contestant, the game will be available for everyone to review and play on the contest website. The contest judges will give each contestant three scores on a ten-point scale for gameplay, graphics, and sound. In each category of the contest ("Gameplay", "Graphics", "Sound"), the three contestants with the highest score according to the judges's evaluation will win. In case several participants have the same number of points, the winner among them is determined by the chairperson of the jury.

The "Audience Choice Award" is awarded to the contestant who scores the most points based on the results of voting by the people who voted on the contest website. Everyone can take part in voting, but one person has the right to vote for one game only once. The judges reserve the right to delete scores that show signs of "tampering" or other manipulation.

11. Prizes for each prize.

The winners receive prizes:

  • In the "Gameplay" category: for first place - 30,000 rubles; for second place - 20,000 rubles; for third place - 15,000 rubles;
  • In the category "Graphics": for the first place - 30,000 roubles; for the second place - 20,000 roubles; for the third place - 15,000 roubles;
  • In the category "Sound": for the first place - 30,000 roubles; for the second place - 20,000 roubles; for the third place - 15,000 roubles;
  • For the "prize of audience sympathy" - 20,000 roubles.

The prize amounts are shown after personal income tax is withheld. The amount of personal income tax is paid by the competition organisers in accordance with the tax legislation of the Russian Federation.

For winners who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, the prize is paid in foreign currency (dollars or euros) at the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of payment.

12. Summarising the results of the Contest

Summing up the results of the Competition is to take place on 26.08.2025 by publishing the results of the Competition on the Competition website.

13. Who provides the prizes

Prizes are provided by the competition organiser.

14. How prizes are awarded

To receive the prize, each winner - citizen of the Russian Federation - must provide the following documents:

  • a scan-copy of a passport or other identification document;
  • scan-copy of the certificate of registration in the tax authority of a physical person at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation - INN (if available);
  • scan copy of the SNILS (insurance number of individual personal account);
  • consent to the terms and conditions of the contest (in the form prepared by the organiser).

To receive the prize each winner - citizen of the Republic of Belarus (RB) must provide the following documents:

  • scan of passport spread with photo, pages with Russian translation and information about the passport issuing authority;
  • scan of propiska/registration;
  • agreement with the terms and conditions of the contest (in the form prepared by the organiser).

In order to receive the prize, each winner - not a citizen of the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus - must provide the following documents:

  • scan-copy of passport or other identification document;
  • consent to the terms and conditions of the contest (in the form prepared by the organiser).

The Competition Organiser shall confer the Prizes to the Winners by sending them by post or by courier service to the address agreed with the Winner additionally. The Organiser must send the Prize no later than "1" October 2025.

15. Copyright to the works created by the participants

Submission of the results of intellectual activity (RIA) by uploading them to the contest website means that the Participant agrees that from the moment of such uploading the Participant grants the Organiser a royalty-free simple (non-exclusive) licence in respect of the uploaded RIA. Within the framework of this licence, the Organiser may make the RIA publicly available, as well as use the RIA by reproduction, processing and adaptation, public display/performance, making it available to the public on the Internet. The granting of such a licence is a mandatory condition for participation in the contest. The licence is granted for the territory of all countries of the world and for the entire term of validity of the exclusive rights to the intellectual property. The Participant has the right to unilaterally revoke (terminate) the granted licence after 30 (thirty) days from the date of uploading by sending a notice to the Organiser's email: The Organiser is obliged to stop using the RIA within 10 (ten) days from the date of receipt of the notice.

The Participant also agrees that the Participant's name/pseudonym and the title of the RIA will be used as the name/pseudonym of the author of the RIA, as well as the title of the RIA, indicated when uploading the RIA.

The terms of this clause are special in relation to clauses 4.5-4.7 of the General Terms and Conditions, and in case of conflict between them, the terms of this clause shall apply.